Week 4 | 2017

Happy Friday!

Each week a group of amazingly talented photographers from Facebook Group challenges each other to take on an assignment or weekly theme. I have joined two years ago. My first year was strong, but my second year was hard due to fostering of few really difficult and time consuming behavior issues dogs. This weekly challenge is a great way to network, get to know each other, and just try new things in general. I love being creative and I will do my best to wow you!

This week's theme is: Different Perspective

Perspective in photography can be truly interesting if done properly. You can get truly creative. I have planned my shoot, but my card was corrupted and I lost all images. Last minute I concentrated on a viewpoint in photography. All my photos were lost and my pups didn't wanted to cooperate, so I changed my project to different viewpoint. I wanted to focus on how I take the photo and what the final look will be like. 

Few different viewpoints could be taken from a dog's level, ground level, or from the top.

I love to take photos from the top to eliminate shelter environment distractions and focus on the eyes. Here is a great example with the cutest shelter model Pigalena. Hard to believe this cutie is still available! 


Here is one from the ground level. Look at Katchka's googly eyes :) Treat!


Here is another one from the dog's eye level. I practically shawed my camera up front of my boy's face and he freaked out. Mostly, because he had a sand in his mouth, but this one is really funny! I tried to take the photo from the bottom up, but ended up at the eye level. Hillarious! 


Here is another example at eye level. I took photos of Kika on an old burned tree. I took the photo through what was left of the branches and got this perspective.


And my last perspective is from bottom up. I used the trees to support the subject and to have leading lines support the subject.


On these examples you can see how you take the photo, where you put your subject, and where you take it... truly matters and you can get some amazing images. This was fun and I have been trying to involve all my pups into this project to have their photos. It is not always easy, but if I can, I love to photograph them all - every single day. I hope you enjoyed my viewpoint and got inspired to try few things. I hope to see you here next Friday for the next project! One more suggestion, wide angle lens truly helps to give you another perspective and it will include more of the background.

Remember, this is a circle of photographers and we try to get others participating. Please scroll down on each blog and visit the next photographer. I hope you enjoy the talent and diversity in our group.  Up next visit EVM Pet Photography, servicing the Yarra Valley and Surrounds - Melbourne, Australia.

Have fun and thanks for stopping by!

XO, Pavlina