Week 2 | 2017

Happy Friday!

Each week a group of amazingly talented photographers from Facebook Group challenges each other to take on an assignment or weekly theme. I have joined two years ago. My first year was strong, but my second year was hard due to fostering of few really difficult and time consuming behavior issues dogs. This weekly challenge is a great way to network, get to know each other, and just try new things in general. I love being creative and I will do my best to wow you!

This week's theme is: Black and White

My absolute favorite is black and white photography. It is such a sentiment to me. I grew up in a poor country and had absolutely nothing. But I had my old film camera, black and white film, and a dark room. Dark room was our bathroom in a small flat. This reminds me of time with my dad, we use to spend weekends making photos come to life. I use to loved those simple times. I miss my family, they all still live in Czech Republic. I absolutely love turning certain images to black and white to provoke an emotion or to give a photo certain timeless look. Some photos just look amazing in monochrome than in color. 

My pups forever inspire me to try new things and to explore the light a bit more. They are all rescues with different stories and personalities. You can also tell a story with black and white photography. This is my double trouble Honey Bear and her best friend Sarik. These two get always in trouble and rarely can I let them loose. The moment I do, they make me regret it and ran. Love my troubled duo!


Kika is my silly old lady that is always in a bad mood. She is just old and grumpy most of the time. She inspired me to take this photo. I feel like this is how she truly feels about life. She cracs me up. The smallest dog in the house eith the biggest attitude!


Last image is inspired by my baby girl that is as old as Kika, but she is the princess of the house. Kachka in the early morning sun before her day begins...


I hope you enjoyed the light, textures, contrast, and the story within each image! Low light situations seem to fit the best. Get inspired and try something yourself! I appreciate you are following my story from behind the camera and let's say next week, the same time!!!

Remember, this is a circle of photographers and we try to get others participating. Please scroll down on each blog and visit the next photographer. I hope you enjoy the talent and diversity in our group.  Up next visit St. Cloud MN About A Dog Photography.

Have fun! Thank you for stopping by!

XO, Pavlina