Cocoa, Trey, Zoey, and Miss Bunny | Jacksonville Pet Photography

My shelter work has kept me busy, but I made a time for these four amazing babies at sunset. I have met with April and her babies in a local park. You will meet Cocoa, Trey, Zoey, and Miss Bunny. Be prepared for this cuteness coming your way!

Cocoa is sweet girl with lots of spunk. She loves the attention and I have to say, she loved the camera as well. Cocoa is the Diva in a house and she runs things her way. Lovely girl. Cocoa's mom said: " Everyone loves Cocoa. Very spunky and outgoing, loving, and bossy. She always loves everyone, although she is getting cranky with other dogs in her old age. Her favorite game when she was young, was going to the dog park and getting all the big dogs to chase her as she out ran them and ducked under short benches and people's legs."

Meet sweet and shy Trey, who is Cocoa's son. Trey had his eyes for his mom only, or watching everything around us. Just like a little personal bodyguard. Sweet boy. Look at this photo, they do look like twins, hma? Trey's mom said: "Just like his mother, except not outgoing at all! He likes to bark at anything new and run. But he's very spunky and loving. Loves his toys more than any dog I've ever had. He is a professional "squeaker" remover for toys and can jump up to cheat height. Very protective of his family, he's always making rounds in the backyard on patrol!"


Miss Bunny, is this fragile little girl who we were worried about the most. Sweet Miss Bunny is patient, loving, and so cute. Sweet baby girl, who knows what she was thru, maybe a puppy mill. She is former Clay County Animal Care & Control rescue. Miss Bunny's mom said: "She is an absolute love and adores people, but people are turned off due to her tendency to scream and snap at them if they rub her the wrong way. She snaps, but couldn't hurt a fly with half her teeth missing. She doesn't like to play much after her injuries, but loves to sit on a lap and really enjoys sitting out in the sun. She also very much enjoys trying to kill my cat. (Of course, my cat also enjoys trying to kill her)."

Zoey is the biggest girl out of the bunch but we had so much fun together. Zoey is deaf Great Dane lady. Her story has just tugged on my heart. Read what Zoey's mom said: "She was used as a breeder for 5 yrs. In 2009, at age 5, her mate began getting defensive of her with their owners, so they put him down. After that, Zoey decided to climb the 10 x 10 pen she lived in and ran away. Animal control picked her up and took her home. She then got out again and when Animal Control brought her home, they told them they could keep her, they were done with her. When she was first picked up by The Animal Rescue and Adoption Agency (TARAA), she weighed 96 lbs and was covered in concrete sores. I fell in love with her the minute I saw her. But, having small dogs, I thought it best to let her find a better home. We rehabilitated her - plus a few pounds. She went to 3 different homes for trials. The 3rd home returned her to animal control after 4 months. I picked her up on May 17th 2010 and brought her home and never looked back. I use this date as her birthday. This is the same date that I got Cocoamoa, 5 yrs earlier. Zoey played like a 2 year old for years after I got her home. She ran like the wind and loved playing at the dog park. She now suffers from a bad hip, but still tries to play. Zoey has beautiful blue eyes due to her congenital deafness."

I had so much fun with these fuzzy kids. We had spectacular sunset and so much fun. Having four pups is lots of work, April was working very hard for me helping out with the pups.

I had such a great time April! Thank you for reading!

